Want To Be Smarter? Eat Breakfast!

Eating breakfast can boost your energy, may help you think better, and keep you from overeating later in the day.

Are you suffering from brain fog, trying to remember the name of someone you met yesterday, or the TV show you enjoyed last night, or forgetting why you went into the living room?

Do you find yourself ready for a “rest” in the afternoon?

Maybe the reason is that you’re not giving your body the right kind of fuel.

I understand. Sometimes, I’m not hungry in the mornings. Sometimes, I have an early appointment and don’t have time to eat. But here’s the deal.

Eating breakfast is important. Breakfast provides your body with fuel to keep your muscles and brain stronger.

In fact, sometimes memory and thinking problems are caused by nutritional deficiencies. A good breakfast of eggs, oatmeal, or yogurt can provide important nutrients to keep you going.

Eating breakfast helps to boost your energy and alertness, so you can make the most of your day. And, skipping breakfast can actually cause you to gain weight, since those who don’t eat breakfast ,have been shown to go on to eat more unhealthy, high-calorie food during the day.

Eating a good breakfast is an important start on the road to building health and aging well.

Give it a try and let us know how you’re doing.

Onward and upward.